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Keynote: "Tune In to Storytelling: Creating Harmony in your Child Care Setting" focused on bringing the richness of storytelling to child care settings. YWCA Lake County Child Care Resource & Referral Annual Conference and Business Expo, April 1, 2006, Waukegan, Illinois.
Session: "Back to the Basics: Using Folk Tale Picture Books for Library Storytelling" offered demonstration, storytelling practice, and follow-up activities for various stories perfect for sharing with library audiences of different ages. Washington Library Media Association Annual Conference, October 15, 2005, Yakima, Washington.
Session: "Telling It Like It Is: Transforming Stories from the Oral Tradition to the Printed Page" included nitty-gritty tips on how to find, retell, publish and preserve tales from the oral tradition for future generations. National Storytelling Conference, July 10, 2004, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington.
Panel Presentation: "The Inside Scoop on the Teamwork Behind Picture Books" with editor Reka Simonsen, Won-ldy Paye and Julie Paschkis about collaboration on award-winning picture books. Annual Regional Conference of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), May 8, 2004, Bellevue, WA.
Please contact me at if you would like a presentation at your conference.
(l to r) Meg Lippert, Won-Ldy Paye, Julie Paschkis