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HEAD, BODY, LEGS was selected as the "We Share a Story 2007" featured book! Children in twenty-three countries around the world participated in this year's "We Share a Story" program. Participating countries include Venezuela, Denmark, England, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, United States (Washington state), Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Morocco, Zambia, Cambodia, Brazil, Hong Kong, Chile, Japan, Nepal, Russia and Australia (New South Wales).
After hearing or reading HEAD, BODY, LEGS, students in grades K-6 in each country had the opportunity to participate in an international art project based on an outline drawing of body parts by illustrator Julie Paschkis. Stunning body parts decorated by children from the countries listed above living in a wide variety of rural and urban settings were sent to a library in Washington state. In addition to various media including paint, crayons, colored pencils, and markers, the decorations included grasses, leaves, flower petals, beads, seeds, cut paper, fabric, yarn, glitter, sequins, and other special local objects, which the children glued to the body parts.
In May I kicked off the program by telling HEAD, BODY, LEGS to children in Norway and England, and in November I traveled to Australia to share the story with children in six schools there.
You can still participate!
Won-Ldy and I read the story
together and share the story behind the story of
HEAD, BODY, LEGS on this
You can learn the answers to these questions and others:
How did the authors meet one another? Where did they first hear the
story "Head, Body, Legs"? Did the story change through the years? What
are their favorite stories? Is "Head, Body, Legs" a true story? After
you listen to the story, you and your friends can decorate the puppet
pieces found on my Activities Page. Use your creativity to make each
piece unique. Then you can cut out the pieces, switch pieces with one
another, and make puppets with pieces from everyone!
"We Share A Story" is sponsored by the Pierce County Library Youth Services Department in cooperation with the Bellingham Public Library. "We Share A Story" is celebrated annually during National Children's Book Week and International Education Week and honors the role stories play in all lives.
Henry Holt Publishing, the authors and illustrator of HEAD, BODY, LEGS have given permission to use the book and illustrations to promote We Share A Story 2007.
For more information about "We Share a Story," visit Pierce County Library System.